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001 philadelphia

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001 philadelphia


001 philadelphia Picture

001 philadelphia photo or wallpaper

001 philadelphia
Date: 16.02.2016 15:38
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Caption: A dramatic view of Philadelphia highlights the contrast of new and old living side by side. In the center of the shot stands the bronze statue of the cityÕs founder, William Penn, sitting on top of the 511-foot City Hall Tower with its lighted clock. And the newest addition to the skyline, the Comcast Center on the right towers as the tallest building between New York and Chicago.
Byline: Photo by B. Krist for GPTMC
Object name: Philadelphia Skyline
Date created: 21.01.2010
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Country: USA
Keywords: Skylines
Copyright Notice: © Bob Krist

Model: NIKON D300S
Exposure time: 1/19.99
Aperture value: F/8
ISO speed: 200
Date created: 21.01.2010 08:15:03
Focal length: 40mm

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