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Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960

Amsterdam river 700 x 525 Amsterdam The Netherlands 1024 x 768 Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960 Cathedral Amsterdam The Netherlands 1024 x 768 City Lights Amsterdam The Netherlands 1024 x 768

Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960


Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960 Picture

Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960 photo or wallpaper

Amsterdam The Netherlands 1280 x 960
Date: 14.10.2012 14:45
Hits: 4864
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 324.8 KB

Model: FinePix F401
Exposure time: 1/500
Aperture value: F/7
ISO speed: 200
Date created: 26.12.2004 11:38:45
Focal length: 5.7mm

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Amsterdam The Netherlands 1024 x 768  
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Cathedral Amsterdam The Netherlands 1024 x 768