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night istanbul 2272 x 1704

Mosque-and-the-Bosphorus 1600 x 1200 NewMoon 2048 x 768 night istanbul 2272 x 1704 of my heart 1061 x 796 old istanbul 600 x 370

night istanbul 2272 x 1704


night istanbul 2272 x 1704 Picture

night istanbul 2272 x 1704 photo or wallpaper

night istanbul 2272 x 1704
Date: 08.10.2012 18:41
Hits: 2985
Downloads: 0
Rating: 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
File size: 167.5 KB

Make: Canon
Model: Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Exposure time: 1/0.2
Aperture value: F/3.5
Date created: 26.08.2007 21:38:57
Focal length: 10.4mm

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NewMoon 2048 x 768  
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of my heart 1061 x 796